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About Us

Accelerating African Food Research 

Independent consortium of African food research and innovation  

We are a consortium of optimistic Africans with an unbeatable belief that the African food system has the potential to address some of the most pressing global issues, like food insecurity, malnutrition, climate change, and poverty.

With this confidence, we set out to strive for the impossible – to harness the power of African community culture to increase the pace of transformation of the African food system and position Africa as a leading hub of food for the world.

That means we are building an Africa where not only food-sufficiency is possible but also one whose food products are recognized and appreciated worldwide for their exceptional quality, diversity, and cultural significance. Therefore, we bring together researchers from various disciplines, working with industry and policymakers, to provide the necessary tools, technology, and resources to deliver research results and innovation that transform the African food system.


Africa’s population is estimated to double by 2050, reaching about 2.5 billion people. This means that Africa will become home to at least 25% of the world’s population. However, Africa is still one of the regions most affected by food insecurity, which requires urgent attention. Furthermore, if the current rate of food system transformation continues, it will be difficult for Africa to feed its population by 2050, leading to a significant portion of the global population struggling to survive. Therefore, it is crucial to accelerate the food transformation process. One way to achieve this is by investing in research and commercializing the findings, which we call innovation. This is the gap that CAFRI aims to bridge.

Our Vision

To position Africa to feed itself sustainably and other parts of the world by 2050. 

Our Mission

To accelerate the transformation of the African Food System through research and innovation.

CAFR’s – SDG In focus

Our work supports three United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: No Poverty (SDG 1), Zero Hunger (SDG 2), and Climate Action (SDG 13). We create jobs for African food producers and support small and medium-sized businesses in the African food value chain to help achieve SDG 1. To achieve SDG 2, we aim to make African indigenous food products more available, accessible, and affordable while improving their nutritional quality and diversity. We also promote climate-friendly production processes to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and encourage the use of low-carbon and climate-resilient African indigenous food products to achieve SDG 13.

for food transformation

CAFRI’s TRAC model aims to transform the African food system through Training, Research, Advocacy, and Consulting. Our training program enhances research capabilities, mentors young researchers, and provides networking opportunities. Our advocacy initiatives educate stakeholders about the importance of African food products, inform policymakers, support innovation, and assist in funding access. Our consulting services provide technical expertise in feasibility studies, pilot testing, commercialization, branding, and marketing. At the heart of CAFRI is research on African indigenous food products, including impact-driven and cutting-edge research, tools, resources, technology, and funding support.

Key focus Areas

As we strive to make a positive impact on the food system, we recognize the importance of focusing our efforts where they can be most effective. We have identified four areas where we have the greatest strengths and potential for strategic impact. These areas are our laser-focused priorities.

Product Development

We facilitate and promote the creation of new, marketable food products from indigenous African ingredients or improve the existing products to be more nutritious, sustainable, tasty and aligned with consumer needs and preferences.

Consumer Behaviour

We food help entrepreneurs align their product development with insights into factors that influence food choices, including health trends, cultural influences, and economic factors affecting people’s food selection.

Alternative Ingredients

Focus on the research and use of non-conventional food sources from African food crops, which can help to diversify diets and improve food security. This includes but is not limited to new alternative proteins, sweeteners and fats.


We conduct and promote research into climate change mitigation and sustainable practices to develop environmentally responsible, economically viable, and socially equitable food systems that African manufacturers can adopt.

Meet Our Team

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Mike Bryan

Mike Bryan

CEO | Director

Mike Bryan

Mike Bryan

CEO | Director

Mike Bryan

Mike Bryan

CEO | Director